Our factory partners are located in the North East of China, Vietnam and Ukraine. We are committed to high standards of quality, environmental sustainability, and safety for all employees. We have strict quality control measures in place along the full supply chain to ensure that our high standards are met and maintained. From sourcing to production, each step is examined along the way to ensure compliance with our standards and our ethical sourcing policy.

Sourcing & Selection

Our hair is mainly sourced from the southern regions of Russia & Mongolia but this will vary depending on the range. We pay at or above market value for all of our unprocessed human hair braids from those choosing to donate their hair of their own free will.

When the hair arrives at our factory the hair is checked to ensure that it is still braided, this helps us ensure the quality and that the cuticles are all still aligned. Quality inspections are carried out on each braid singularly to ensure the virgin hair is clean, strong, virgin, and meets our strict quality specifications so that only the best braids are selected to be used to produce our hair extensions.

Preparation, Processing & Production

Once our quality checks are complete, the hair is hygienically cleansed, fumigated, sorted into lengths, and sewn together through the middle to ensure that the cuticles continue to be kept the same way throughout the colouring process.

The hair is then gently lifted to remove the melanin and achieve the right colour lift before the colouring process begins. Hair is usually lifted to a higher shade then coloured down to one of our selected shades. This is a slow and delicate process, with lighter shades taking a longer time to finish overall. For special colours, this may have to happen several times.

The hair is then coloured using a unique powdered dye over several days, this helps avoid damage and keep the desired shade for longer. Should this process be rushed it can have a negative impact on the end result.

Once coloured, the hair is drawn multiple times to get the high ratio of hair lengths throughout the extension and is passed over to our quality team to carry out their quality control testing. Once the hair has passed our quality control testing, the hair is then turned into the desired application method. We produce many different methods which all go through a different production process, with some taking much longer than others.

Once complete, the hair then goes through another quality control process, which if successful, the hair is then packaged, labelled and prepared to be shipped to our warehouse.

Quality Control

Throughout the sourcing, selection, processing and production process we carry out several quality control measures to ensure that the hair meets our high standards and specifications. These quality control inspections check every detail of the hair, this includes mimicking the use of the by washing it several times with abrasive products, conducting friction tests on the hair, microscopic tests of the hair, as well as many other tests. A batch number is also added to every packet so that we can trace the hair if a problem ever occurs.

As a final step before leaving our production facilities, our quality control inspectors will randomly check a large proportion of the packaged hair, looking at different application methods, colours, lengths, weight, taking a record of every quality point.

Once the shipment arrives at our warehouse, it is then checked a further time by our internal team to ensure that no issues have slipped through the previous quality control checks. It also allows us to check that all specifications have been fully met and that all colours, lengths, weights, and packaging are correct. Our systems allow us to track every packet of hair belonging to each batch and see who received it.